Saturday, November 6, 2010

American Gothic - Sort of

So, in my previous post I said that I'd be posting my playground work with Photoshop. It took a little time to do this, but I certainly learned a bit about the program. I realize this isn't an expert job, but you got to start somewhere and I had fun doing it.

So, I'm sure that you've all heard of the famous painting American Gothic. If not, here it is..

I then took a picture of a friend, below..

Waved my magic wand and...

That's Terri on the left. We'll leave the individual on the right to be a secret..

And thanks again Terri for your permission to post.


Uncle Ron said...

I hope Ray sees this...What a great job...Photoshop is not the easiest program to use...I worked with it for years before I retired in '02...

You'll have to print that out and frame it...

Good Work!!!

Oh yah...I laughed out loud when I saw it...

Tommy said...

Thanks. And you're right, Photoshop is an interesting animal to work with. Of course it would help if I used it more often..

As for Ray, I suppose I could paint the faces green :-)