Friday, December 30, 2011

My mother's story continues

When I last posted about my mother’s slide down the slippery slope of memory loss, I believe that we had visited her doctor and she had finally gotten the true picture of the situation due to the fact that my mother did not know where her car was or what kind of car is was. Well, this started a chain of events, due to the current laws. Basically if you are aware of situation like this, it is your responsibility to report it. The department of motor vehicles notified her that for medical reasons, she would need to send in her license to drive. I was surprised when she actually did this. In return she received a new ID card from the state.

Now it gets interesting. Whenever asked, she called this her new license and therefore continued to drive, even though she was told repeatedly that she didn’t have a driver’s license and was driving illegally. Over a few months, we tried to give here the opportunity to reach this decision on her own. You see, I wanted her to have the dignity of doing this on her own and not to be forced into anything. But, she was never able to and to this day still doesn’t fully understand why this has occurred.

After a visit last week to bring her a few Christmas gifts, it became obvious to me that as long as her car sat in the driveway, she would use it. Then after speaking with her insurance agent about the possibility liability to us all, the decision was made. We went again this week and simply removed the car. Of course there was lots of screaming and anger, but at least now I know she won’t be driving.

In the meantime, I have learned about a profession that I can recommend to anyone that is in a similar situation as I am. It’s called a Geriatric Care Manager or Elder Care Manager. First of all I am an only child and this experience is totally new for me. I mean how do you deal with this? I don’t have a clue. I also live 4 hours away from my mother in a different state. How do I care for her remotely and know that I’m doing the right thing. Well, I found an Elder Care Manager that is also an RN and is just right for this. I mean, I honestly believe that her goal in life is ensure that all elderly people are ok.

Time will tell though. Hopefully this information might be of some help to someone. I hope so.

Instructional show on present wrapping..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Now that Christmas is over

Quoting from the email I received:
"Everyone should see this one,,, it's our heritage!! This is REAL history!!"

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Christmas Story - a new version :-)

The Christmas Story' (2010), as told by the children of St Paul's Church, Auckland, New Zealand. Merry Christmas to all....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tempered Glass Breakage

As part of the new addition to our house, a bathroom was created. In it we put a shower with a tempered glass sliding door. The other day we learned a very hard lesson about the dangers (yes DANGERS) of this type of glass. After a shower the door literally exploded, leaving my wife covered with glass and blood. Fortunately she's ok. But, I want to post here some information for everyone that I found about this glass on Wikipedia.

The first article is called Spontaneous glass breakage.
The second article is called Safety and security window film.

I have an update here with a new article.

Shattered! The danger hanging in your bathroom.

If you have or know anyone with this type of glass in their house, please read this information.

Googles Doodles

You know all those drawings on Googles home page, they're called Doodles. Well, Google has put them on-line for your viewing. Some have really been wonderful..

Click here to see them.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas display in Maryland

Got this today from my cousin. I quote it directly as I do not know the actual source of it.
Enjoy :-)

"This must be the ultimate Christmas yard decoration…
The site is near the Oak Creek Bridge on the St. Michael’s Road [MD 33].

The folks who own the property always have eye-catching displays celebrating various ‘holidays’ through the year… this year for Jületide they have certainly outdone themselves!"

Writers Block - finally defined

When your imaginary friends stop talking to you.

Improvement for TV viewers

Have you ever been watching TV and when the commercial comes on it gets LOUDER!!! It seems there is help on the horizon..

Read this articel TV companies have a year to pipe down loud ads to see about it.

Now, if they could only get some half decent programing on TV.. :-(

Friday, December 16, 2011

Swimming with the Dolphins

So, on our recent trip to Mexico we went to "swim" with the dolphins. It really worked out for us as we were the only two people in the tank. We, therefore had the dolphin and the trainer all to ourselves. It was Kewl to be this close to them.

One thing that I really don't understand is how you train a dolphin/fish to let someone stick their hand into it's mouth and rub it's tounge. I mean, I won't let you do that to me!!! By the way, their tounges are very smooth. I'd have thought they'd be rough like a cat, but not so..

And yes, if instructed to do so they WILL get you awful wet.. :-)

And they REALLY like their bellies rubbed..

Then we were asked to put our arms around the dolphin, hug it and lift it. Well, that went fine until it started to come out of the water. Do you have any idea how heavy a dolphin is?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Aloha from Mexico

We just got back from a week in Mexico. We were asked to join two friends at their timeshare in Playa Del Carmen, which is just south of Cancun. We had a great time, with the 80 degree weather and the beach. We even swam with the Dolphins and learned a lot about them. Here are a few of those tourist shots for you..

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Chapel Sistine

I received this from a friend of mine and I honestly don't know the source of it, but decided to share here for your viewing. The following is a direct quote from that email.

"Use your scroll wheel to zoom in as desired.

Now this is really something! This is what makes the internet so spectacular!
Here is an amazing bit of technology that you would never see in person, as you would NEVER be alone in the room. It is ALWAYS VERY CROWDED and of course you can't see Michelangelo's artwork close up as you can here. This is especially spectacular if you have a large high-definition screen! Too many details to view on an iPhone.

TO VIEW EVERY PART OF THE MICHELANGELO'S MASTERPIECE, JUST CLICK AND DRAG YOUR ARROW IN THE DIRECTION YOU WISH TO SEE. In the lower left, click on the plus(+) to move closer, on the minus(-) to move away. Choir is thrown in free. MOVE THE ARROW AND YOU WILL SEE EVERY PART OF THE CHAPEL.

This virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel is incredible. Apparently done by Villanova at the request of the Vatican.
Click here: Sistine Chapel"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Carrier IQ

Ever hear of this one before, I just ran across it. Big Brother is at it again...