Friday, December 16, 2011

Swimming with the Dolphins

So, on our recent trip to Mexico we went to "swim" with the dolphins. It really worked out for us as we were the only two people in the tank. We, therefore had the dolphin and the trainer all to ourselves. It was Kewl to be this close to them.

One thing that I really don't understand is how you train a dolphin/fish to let someone stick their hand into it's mouth and rub it's tounge. I mean, I won't let you do that to me!!! By the way, their tounges are very smooth. I'd have thought they'd be rough like a cat, but not so..

And yes, if instructed to do so they WILL get you awful wet.. :-)

And they REALLY like their bellies rubbed..

Then we were asked to put our arms around the dolphin, hug it and lift it. Well, that went fine until it started to come out of the water. Do you have any idea how heavy a dolphin is?


TC [Girl] said...

Fun pictures! Thanks for sharing! :-D A dream of mine to do, someday! Nice you didn't have to share the dolphins with anyone! I would have been in HEAVEN! :-D

Tommy said...

You should have seen my wife. She had a smile on her face the entire time.

She absolutely wanted to do this, so we did..

TC [Girl] said...

I bet, Tommy! You look like you enjoyed yourself quite a bit, as well! Good for you! And...NICE that you spoiled your wife! That's awesome! :-D

Uncle Ron said...

I love the shot of you and the dolphin...I envy you and your wife for taking such a great trip...

I just finished my 45th radiation treatment today...It was the last one...(I hope)

Margie (Linda) and I are looking at a cruise this year...We did one two years ago to the Bahamas and loved it...We even made friends with a younger couple from Colorado on it...They still e-mail us occasionally...

Tommy said...

Ron, my wife and I have a Cruise planned for May of this year. We're going to 4 islands in the Western Caribbean.

Actually this is going to be with a couple that we had met in Florida last year. They're from Canada and we've stayed in touch as well.