Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tempered Glass Breakage

As part of the new addition to our house, a bathroom was created. In it we put a shower with a tempered glass sliding door. The other day we learned a very hard lesson about the dangers (yes DANGERS) of this type of glass. After a shower the door literally exploded, leaving my wife covered with glass and blood. Fortunately she's ok. But, I want to post here some information for everyone that I found about this glass on Wikipedia.

The first article is called Spontaneous glass breakage.
The second article is called Safety and security window film.

I have an update here with a new article.

Shattered! The danger hanging in your bathroom.

If you have or know anyone with this type of glass in their house, please read this information.


Ray said...

Hi, Tommy -

Have you considered something like Lexan instead of glass?


TC [Girl] said...

O.M.G., Tommy! Thank God that she is OK! That must have been HORRIFYING! I'm so sorry that the 2 of you had to discover it, this way! Who knew, had you not shared this with us; thank you!

Tommy said...

Ray said: "Have you considered something like Lexan instead of glass?

Ya, but the problem with Lexan, while strong and all that, scratches easily and may not be suitable for a shower door. I however, will do some research on it as it may have been improved. Thanks Ray..

Tommy said...

You know it's interesting. You want to use tempered glass in case you fall against it or hit or strike it or anything like that. It does what it is suppose to do, it shatters into small pieces instead of large chunks of pointed glass. But, its this unexpected shattering (explosion) that is NOT good.

Glass table tops have the same problem, by the way.. It is glass.