Saturday, April 7, 2012

An ill sad sack

A very good friend of mine went to take care of a situation at her daughter's house. They have a new puppy and her daughter recently had surgery, so Judy (my friend) went to care for her daughter as well as to watch the puppy. Well, as luck would have it Judy was out in the back yard, watching the innocent puppy, when she slipped on something and fell down. She managed to break her right arm between the elbow and her shoulder. If that were not enough, she also dislocated her shoulder.

Well now, she's stuck at her daughters, per the doctor's instructions, with her right arm taped to her body. Of course she's right handed, so I don't think she's a happy camper right now. Now both her daughter and herself needs care. But, fear not, the puppy is fine and being a puppy.

This happened a few weeks ago and I think that Judy might be getting ready to come home. We got an email from her yesterday that I know you'll enjoy and will see below. You'll notice, no capitol letters as she can only type with her left hand.

"sleep, sleep, sleep
read, read, read
eat, eat, eat
watch tv, pet the dog
sit in the sun
solitare, sleep, read, pet, sit, tv, eat, sleep, read, pet, sit in the sun, sleep, eat

get the picture

bruising starting to pain if i don't move my arm

happy easter"

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