Monday, April 9, 2012

Amazinv video of Titanic sinking by James Cameron


TC [Girl] said...

Wow! I wonder re: the time frame on that. Certainly not as much as is depicted in the Titanic movie, it seems! What a bummer!

Did you know that there are kids that didn't even realize that this was an actual event?! They just thought it was a movie! :-/

Tommy said...

Just a movie!!! My goodness and sad to think of history just fading away like that.

TC [Girl] said...

Yeah. I posted this little article, on Eo's 'Titanic' posting, along with this article, as well, where the following information, re: making 'Titanic' into a 3D is included:

"...300 computer artists have spent 750,000 man hours to give "Titanic" a third dimension..." which, really, just makes me a little bit ILL! It would be so nice if people could find better ways to use money, I would think! :-( I saw it, just because I hadn't seen the movie, since it first came out; and...I wanted to see the diff. Gotta tell ya: it doesn't seem like it's worth the money...just to have to wear those ANNOYING 3D glasses for well over 2 HOURS! :-/

And...I mention the thing, re: the time, 'cuz...towards the end, there is quite a lot of time spent (yes, I know it's a movie! lol!) where she has to rescue him, below.