Monday, October 25, 2010

A fantastic claymation microscopic adventure

This is way Kewl, a video shot through a microscope.

Nokia 'Dot' from Sumo Science on Vimeo.


Uncle Ron said...

I am thouroughly amazed at these guys creativity...I worked an illustrator for the SC Educational Television Network back in the early 60's...We had a old animator from New York who would do film animations. He painted on cells just the way Walt Disney animators did... It took hours and hours and days and days of artwork before he could even do a five minute film...He found ways (tricks he called them) of shortening the work by using "Rube Goldberg" type setups...

These guys are geniuses in comparisson...Actually...there is no comparisson..

Thanks for showing it on your blog!

Tommy said...

Ah, "Rube Goldberg" is alive an well..:-)

What do you mean by he "painted on cells"? What are these cells?