Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kary Broffman Prints

Recently I went to a showing of some art items by a friend of mine, Kary Broffman. I wasn't sure what to expect. You never know what you'll be viewing until you get there. I remember going to an art gallery with my wife to see an artists paintings. When we got there, what was being displayed was not the work that my wife wanted to see, it was more abstract art. Well, as above, I didn't know what to expect, but when I saw a potrait called "the lake" or something like that, I was blown away! You see on the canvas was a square and a triangle. How this artist called it a lake is way beyond me. To put it mildly, I can't say that it was my favotiate.

So, where was I...Oh yes Kary. As I started the viewing process, some I liked more than others. But there were some that really caught my eye from a composition and beauty perspective and then there were some that I had never seen the technique being used before and was very facinated and wanted to know more about it. One was called Cyanotype or Sun Printing. It's really cool and I can't wait until spring when I can try it. You see, it's winter right now and there isn't much sun available. Anyway, I have a sign that describes the process, so I'll let Kary explain the process in her own words.

It should be noted here that the pictures below have been modified and might not have the proper perspective in them. You see, they were mounted under glass and in order to photograph them, I had to stand off at an angle so that I didn't get a reflection in them. Sorry about that Kary, but it couldn't be helped.

If you want to see larger images, just click on it.

I've included this picture just because I like it. I have taken lots of pictures of flowers and I like the colors and texture that is produced from them.

Thanks again Kary

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