Monday, January 10, 2011

What song do you love

TC, put this on her blog lately "Do you have a favorite? Tell me which one and why". She was making reference to a song, which we've been talking about on her blog I Want to Know What Love Is.

So, below you'll find two versions of a song that beings back wonderful memories of a summer long gone by. I was at a special place during that summer by a pond where I lost my virginity.


TC [Girl] said...
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TC [Girl] said...

Tommy said...
"So, below you'll find two versions of a song that beings back wonderful memories of a summer long gone by. I was at a special place during that summer by a pond where I lost my virginity."

Yes...summers are GREAT for memories of frolicking in the wonderfully warm weather, aren't they?! :-D You crack me up! Last time I was near anything "pond," I had walked out to sit on a log that was floating around in the water. I sat a few minutes and looked down to see something black on my leg. I had gotten leeches ALL OVER my legs and inner thighs! I became HYSTERICAL! I'm STILL CREEPED OUT just thinking about that time. :-/ The first and LAST time I ever went near that thing! :-/

Sorry...forgot to say: I'll choose Andy 'cuz I also remember him a little. I'm betting that he made women swoon in his day, as well! :-)

(LOL! captch: "ustick" :-D

Tommy said...

Actually it was called a pond TC, but in reality it was a real big body of water. Sort of like is that a pond or a lake?

Anyway, based on your experience with the little black squirmey things..I don't think I'd want to go near the water again either :-)

TC [Girl] said...

The "thing" I was at was also like a lake; our water reservoir was what it was. People weren't supposed to swim in it; hence, we didn't go by it very often.

I've seen leeches in lakes as well. They're GROSS!! Funny how things don't seem as fun as when a person was a kid! lol!