Friday, September 10, 2010

New Utility Room

Well, we're in the middle of deciding to add an addition onto our house. You see we have no basement or gararge, so storage is at a premium. The lawn tractor even spends it's days outside in the weather. Granted it has a tarp over it, but I'd rather have it inside. Well, after lots of discussions on it we're looking into putting a Utility room (12x24 feet) addition on the end. It will be one large room and will hold the tractor, tools, shop, etc. It's going to be kind of my guys room.

Of course the work will be done by me, myself and I and a friend. UGH!, I'm not looking foward to the work, but it's going to be real nice to have some more much needed storage space.

The plans are being drawn now and will be submitted to the town for approval very soon. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

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