Monday, May 10, 2010

It was Mother's Day Yesterday

Well, I managed to come through the day and I'm still standing.

So, how did your day go you might ask.

For my wife, I got up and decided that in order to have her feel OK about Mothers Day, I decided to do all (well, maybe not ALL) those little things that I don't normally do. Did some gardening, picked up the house (big time), made dinner (actually 2 dinners, from one Boston Butt cut in half) and anything else that would allow here to do whatever she wanted (she chose to work on her jewelry). She went to bed happy.

For my mother, I had sent flowers on Saturday and then called her on Sunday morning. We talked our normal kind of short conversation and I also scheduled a visit to her in a few weeks. She seemed OK with it all.

So, it seems that I actually came through unscathed for another year. Of course, next is my son's birthday, but that's another story completely....

Oh ya, and again Happy Mother's Day...

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