Friday, January 15, 2010

SpaghettiOs creator dies

Well, I don't know if anyone noticed this little item in the news yesterday, but it would seem that a childhood hero has passed. Of course as a child I never knew (or cared really) who had actually invented SpagettiOs, but we sure did like to eat them and eat them we did. I loved those little Os to death.

Anyway, we now know the "rest of the story" and can morn our great loss. ;-(


maidar said...

How SAD! I love Spaghettio's. cold right out of the can!
I hope he lefy the recipe here on Earth!
Hey Mr Brewer, Now I am locked to my computer!

Tommy said...

I think I'l look in hte store and have a can just in his memory. Maybe I'll even have it with some Spam. ;-)