Saturday, October 29, 2011

Early Snow

Holy Crap, its only October 29th and look at this. Take that Ray!!

And here we are 4 hours later. We were going to a Haloween party tonight. I think we may be putting a fire in the fireplace and having a cocktail instead. :-)


TC [Girl] said...

Wow, Tommy! I just saw a headline re: same and came to see if you had been affected by it! Seems so! Hope this isn't going to be as rotten a winter as the last one!

Did you guys finish your addition, yet, Tommy?

Stay warm! :-D

TC [Girl] said...

Hope you guys aren't one of the homes without power, now, Tommy? That's fricken MISERABLE! Who sez they like winter?! Are they half-baked?! NUTS! I HATE WINTER!!!!!!!