Monday, August 8, 2011

Japanese Tsunami Viewed From A Car

Go to YouTube to read the description of this one...


TC [Girl] said...

This stuff is still some of the most difficult video that I have ever watched! It's so difficult to even fathom the power of mother nature, at times; and...surely, here, it must have been horrifying to watch as vehicles floated by w/the people unable to open their (which most of us have, these days!) "fancy" electric windows and...if they didn't have the strength to break a window... I can't even begin to imagine what their last time on earth must have been like dealing w/this.

Tommy said...

Ya, mother nature certainly can be a STRONG and unrelenting power. It's nothing to play around with!!

I carry a small pointed hammer in my car so that I'll be able to break the window in case the "fancy" electric ones don't work for some reason. Fortunately I haven't had to use it so far and hope that I never need to.

TC [Girl] said...

That's a really good idea, Tommy! I hadn't thought much about it, until watching this vid. I'll need to get same rounded up. Thanks.