Monday, April 4, 2011

Glider in the mountains

This you have to watch in HD and full screen. Looks like you need to view it on YouTube to get the HD. To do this, simply click on the YouTube logo at the bottom right corner.


TC [Girl] said...

Wow! That was AMAZING! Makes me homesick for "my" Rockies! Got a little too closer for my comfort, in a coupla spots! :-/

I don't think I would ever have the guts to get into a Glider, personally. There's something about "no engine" that kind of gets to me! lol! So, yeah...this will probably be the closest that I will ever get to stepping into one! :-) LOVE the music at about 5:41 and the view. Crank the volume and see that view...NICE! :-D

Thanks for posting this, Tommy. Makes me thinking of a few trips I've taken over a few "hills" in my time: a chinook helicopter, over an icefield, in Alasak; once in a helicopter, in Kauaii, another, in Canada, in the mountains around my childhood home, in B.C.; and...a couple of years ago, I went up in a flight instruction plane and the dude let me fly it for a little while. It was quite fun to see my home from the air. I LOVE flying! Someday, I hope to be able to take lessons; just gotta have a spare $6K laying around for lessons! ;-)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...


Tommy said...

TC said "I don't think I would ever have the guts to get into a Glider, personally. There's something about "no engine" that kind of gets to me!"

Interesting point there TC, but if you consider all the moving parts that can break in an airplane engine, vs. having no engine to fail.. Different perspective on it..

An then to ride in a helicopter! Not only the engine, but all those opposing parts spinning around and acting like blades to keep you up.

And you won't go for a ride in a glider... Actually, when I was first courting my wife I bought us rides in a glider. Once on the ground, it was quite fun to reflect back on.. :-)

As you might guess, flying is not my thing. Kind of reminds me of my first experience on a pair of those wooden sticks that people put on their feet and slide down a mountain on. I remember the bush, that didn't move, very clearly. Slipery sticks on my feet is another of those things that I don't do...

Have a great day though... :-)