Monday, April 4, 2011

Dogs at the Diner

Thanks to Uncle Ron for this one... For the dog lover in you.. :-)

1 comment:

TC [Girl] said...

HILARIOUS! That was no small feat to get that done! At my house, that would have been a majorly gross affair with 2 boxers!

I haven't laughed that hard in forever! Because the Danish eat with both fork and knife, it made for a little bit of an extra challenge w/the fork located on the left side.

I noticed the Danish flags in the background and it seemed as though there was a track running over what sounded like some Danish being spoken, in the background. Very funny!

I can remember there being some skits done, in school, w/the kids that was very similar. Those always make for LOTS of laughs! :-)

Thanks, Tommy! :-)