Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Should I call - Right One!!

Well, I've done some more tracking and I found him. I remember a long time ago at a class reunion that he couldn't attend he had sent a letter stating where he lived. After searching for this little piece of information, back to the Internet I went and low and behold there he was. At least I thought it might be him.

I got my courage up and called. His wife answered and she remembered me right away. I had hit pay-dirt!! YES!!

But now the question is, how do you re-introduce yourselves to each other after 50 years? Each of us had moved on and traveled down our own paths. We did exchange email address and we're starting with small stuff and hopefully that will provide enough background so that when we do meet face-to-face at our next class reunion we won't be total strangers.

'till later...

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