Friday, May 31, 2013

No Traffic Lights

Now I wonder if this would work in the U.S. of A? We do have some very aggressive drivers and there are also those that don't tend to follow the rules (aka. running stop signs). It looks like a great idea. Now all we need is a town or city to try it out.


Ray said...

They've removed the usual signs at one of our nearby intersections in
this neighborhood, and instead they've installed a big circular
"planter" in the midst of it, to create one of these English-style round-abouts, and it does seem to have had a gentrifying effect on the rush-hour gridlock. Maybe that's because none of us are sure now what the others are about to do, so we all approach it more cautiously. The sneaky bastards!
But it did cure what to do at a four-way stop where nobody knew whose turn it was...

Ray said...

They've removed the usual signs at one of our nearby intersections in
this neighborhood, and instead they've installed a big circular
"planter" in the midst of it, to create one of these English-style round-abouts, and it does seem to have had a gentrifying effect on the rush-hour gridlock. Maybe that's because none of us are sure now what the others are about to do, so we all approach it more cautiously. The sneaky bastards!
But it did cure what to do at a four-way stop where nobody knew whose turn it was...