Thursday, September 15, 2011

And the crowing touch is

Well, the addition is moving right along. The contractor is working on sheetrocking and building the shower stall (tiling it) in the bathroom. But, I wanted to show you what now sits on top of our house in the center of the roof. Of course, it's appropriate because we live in a converted barn from the mid 1700s.


TC [Girl] said...

Very cool, Tommy! Glad everything is moving along! Won't be long before everyone will have to hunker down to that blasted COLD, again! :-(

Ray said...

@ TC[Girl] -

Relax, TC, the gal at Sears says they haven't got their supply of long-johns for this season yet, so you're safe for a while, my dear.

Tommy said...

Ya, the cold is coming. Unfortunately along with the new addition, we had a new heating/cooling system put it and it's not quite ready for full operation yet. :-(

So, if you have any influence with the big dude in the sky (just kidding), we'd like a little more of the warm air for a bit..

TC [Girl] said...

Ray said...
"Relax, TC, the gal at Sears says they haven't got their supply of long-johns for this season yet, so you're safe for a while, my dear."

Funny, Ray! (I read that comment on your blog! :-) What happens if the economy tanks and they can't afford to have a shipment sent; does that leave us w/year-round SUMMER?! Wouldn't that be lovely! (Oh wait...we have an ex-skier among us!) ;-)

Tommy said...
"So, if you have any influence with the big dude in the sky..."

No more than you do! ;-) Just send up a request for good weather...just like I used to do as a little girl, in Denmark, when a lady bug landed on me; we used to have this little saying [that we used to say] re: how the lady bug should fly up to our Lord and ask for good weather for the next day. :-) (and...somewhere along the line, there's a story re: me thinking that a lady bug was going to be eaten for dinner, that night, because part of its name is [oddly] translated to be "hen" so...when my mom told me that we were having "hen" for dinner, I broke down in utter despair over this news! :-/ )

Hope you get your heating/cooling system in working condition before it's needed, Tommy! I've already started turning my heater on. Always makes me sad when I have to start doing that. :-(

(Hey...are either of the two of you having problems w/getting notifications, from Blogger? I didn't even realize that either of you had made these comments until I came to check out the additional comments on this post! :-( I've been having the same issue w/Eo's blog, as well, so...wondering if anyone else is experiencing same.)