Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hecktic Times, but we're home

Well, we did manage to get home from Nova Scotia. We had a great time, I hadn't been there since I was a kid. Of course the old Bluenose ferry isn't running anymore (nor is the new Cat) so we had to drive to Saint Johns and then as I said before we took the Ferry over to Digby. We spend a wonderful week on the southern side, but then the departure came and we headed for home.

When we got here, my wife had one more week of work and then it's retirement time for her. Well, of course this all has meant parties, dinners, etc. But, now it's official she is among the world of retired folk on fixed income..:-) But, now we will have time to go to lunch, take day trips or whatever our resources will allow and if we want to do it. Sounds great.

Of course now that all this is past us, I hope to be able to blog more often. I've been kind of slipping up on it.

Today, Sunday, we had coffee on the deck reading the newspaper, did some "small" tasks around the house, fixed a hose in the pool and now plan on taking a nap. It can't get much better...

Till next time, Tommy

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